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Global Awards 2024 winners announced

Celebrating colleagues who have made outstanding contributions to Durham's global reputation, the winners of the Durham Global Awards 2024 were announced at a special ceremony on Friday 1 March 2024 at Stephenson College.

Staff, students and teams were honoured for their contribution to furthering international collaboration and understanding across 11 award categories. Find out more about the winners and their work in the awards profiles below.
Find out more about the 2024 awards categories
The audience applauding at the Durham Global Awards dinner

Awards Winners by Category

Global Curriculum Award - Jonathan Saha, Radha Kalpuria, Christopher Bahl, Matthew McMurray, Danielle Westerhof, Rachel Barclay, and Gillian Ramsay

The winners are: Jonathan Saha, Radha Kalpuria, Christopher Bahl, Matthew McMurray, Danielle Westerhof, Rachel Barclay, and Gillian Ramsay. The new first year Undergraduate module “South Asia: text-artefacts-empires” is a collaboration between the Department of History, the Archives and Special Collections team at Palace Green and the Oriental Museum. It explores diverse pasts through Ïã¸ÛÍõÖÐÍõ’s rich and unique collections of artefacts, books and manuscripts, providing a tangible introduction to this multi-faith and multi-cultural region for our first-year students. Delivered jointly by academic and Professional Services Staff, the module includes hands-on sessions within the archives at Palace Green Library and at the Oriental Museum enabling the students to engage directly with primary sources from across South and the wider Indian Ocean right at the start of their university career.

Global Student Experience Award (Staff) - Lynsey Drinkhall and her student coordinators team

Lynsey Drinkhall and her student coordinators team receiving the Global Student Experience Award (Staff)

Lynsey Drinkhall receiving the Global Student Experience Award (Staff) alongside student coordinators Rachel Wilkinson and Jamie Rawsthorn.

The winner is Lynsey Drinkhall and her team of student co-ordinators. Lynsey has led on the College Experience for all pre-sessional students at the University for the last seven years, including an online offer during COVID. In 2023, over 350 students took part in cultural visits around the region, met regularly with mentors from the City, and enjoyed social events including a Harry Potter night.  The student co-ordinators include UK and overseas students. Many pre-sessional students link their sense of belonging to Durham, the University and their programme from their sense of welcome, inclusion and support facilitated by these extra-curricular experiences. It has helped pre-sessional students to meet other students beyond those from their home country and form long-lasting friendships.

Global Wider Student Experience Award (Students) - Zhihan Liu

Zhihan Liu receiving the Global Wider Student Experience Award (Students).

As the cultural chair of Ïã¸ÛÍõÖÐÍõ Student Volunteering and Outreach (DUSVO), Zhihan has played a pivotal role both on campus and in the local community as she actively contributes to local Durham events. Under Zhihan's leadership, DUSVO has successfully organised a number of events aimed at fostering cross-cultural understanding, including arranging volunteers for the Durham Lumiere Festival, organising the Durham Global Schools project and leading the celebrations of a number of international traditional festivals including the Chinese Lunar New Year. Zhihan’s contributions reflect her passion for promoting cultural understanding not only across the university but also more widely, within the local Durham community.

Global College Award - Trevelyan College

Representatives for Trevelyan College receiving the Global College Award 2024

Representatives from Trevelyan College receiving the Global College Award.

In the last twelve months, Trevelyan College has undertaken a number of global initiatives to promote an environment of inclusivity, support, and respect for all. In 2023, the College launched its Global Dynamics lecture series, bringing world-leading experts and open to staff, students and the local community. The College hosts a weekly conversational English group, monthly language cafés, and international music events. In 2023, Trevelyan College welcomed over 200 students to its first Global Formal Dinner and hosted its first Interfaith Café to promote interfaith discussions. Trevelyan College’s global activities have had a significant impact, supporting its aspirations as a respectful, inclusive, and interdisciplinary community of students, staff, and local community members.

Individual Award - Arlene Holmes-Henderson

The winner of the Individual Award at Durham Global Awards 2024 receiving her award

Professor Arlene Holmes-Henderson receiving the Individual Award.

Professor Holmes-Henderson is a leader in promoting the presence of the Classics in society. Among the vital beneficiaries of Prof. Holmes-Henderson’s work are young people, including those living in adverse economic or social conditions. By learning about the Classics, as made possible and promoted by Professor Holmes-Henderson, the youth from challenging backgrounds can broaden their horizons, develop literacy, and have a chance for a better future. Prof Holmes-Henderson has also delivered a number of international lectures in 2023. Prof. Holmes-Henderson is not only a committed researcher and educator. She is also an outstanding leader who is able to bring people together for a good cause, in the spirit of mutual respect and inclusivity.

Global Award for Professional Services - Vicky Fisher, Sophie Stanwix, Kirsten Swanston, Debbie Mayne, Steph Hall-Barron, Laura Facey, and Lisa Shannon

The Marketing BP Team receiving the Global Professional Services Award

Vicky Fisher, Kirsten Swanston, Sophie Stanwix, Lisa Shannon, Laura Facey, and Debbie Mayne from the Marketing Business Partner team receiving the Global Professional Services Award; Steph Hall-Barron could not be present.

The winners are: Vicky Fisher, Sophie Stanwix, Kirsten Swanston, Debbie Mayne, Steph Hall-Barron, Laura Facey and Lisa Shannon (Marketing Business Partner team). In the 2023, the Marketing Business Partner team launched a communications campaign and introduced processes to promote high-level inward and outward international visits, thus enhancing our global reputation and contributing to international student recruitment. Key achievements include; over 1,600,000 impressions of paid social media posts and 20 news articles in India following a DU Social Sciences and Health delegation; the first DU brand awareness exercise in SE Asia, reaching over 71,000 impressions on social media; and; promoting six inbound visits, the content of which reached over 89,000 social media accounts and generated 1,500 clicks to the University's website.

International Research Collaboration Award - Claire Horwell

Professor Claire Horwell receiving the International Research Collaboration Award at Durham Global Awards 2024

Professor Claire Horwell receiving the International Research Collaboration Award.

The winner is Professor Claire Horwell (Earth Sciences). Professor Horwell founded the International Volcanic Health Hazard Network (IVHHN) in 2003, bringing together experts working on volcanoes and their health impacts. Within two years, IVHHN evolved into a global organisation which provides evidence-based information, for the public and civil protection agencies. The IVHHN team has grown now provides advice to governments on preparing for eruptions, crisis management and direct support during eruptions. It has partnered with academics, governmental and non-governmental agencies in locations such as St Vincent, Hawaii, Indonesia, Iceland, the Canary Islands and Tonga, to provide this support. 

Local to Global Award - Brian Stobie

Brian Stobie receiving the Local to Global Award

Brian Stobie receiving the Local to Global Award.

Brian has led the International Office at Durham County Council (DCC) for 36 years and will retire in March. This award is in recognition of his exceptional contribution to the University, providing an invaluable link to the wider community in support of our international mission. Brian was pivotal in establishing the Durham Global Alliance, a partnership between the University, DCC and other stakeholders to provide international experiences for young people. Brian initiated the Durham Global Schools programme - an award-winning collaborative venture between DCC and DU Volunteering. He has led many international events in collaboration with the University, including the annual Lunar New Year celebrations. The work of Brian’s team is regarded as an example of best practice. Indeed, Brian was awarded the Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Academiques by the French government for promoting French language and culture.

Respect, Fairness and Equity Award - Nadia Hanter

Nadia Hanter receiving the Respect, Equity and Fairness Award

Nadia Hanter receiving the Respect, Fairness and Equity Award.

As president of the People of Colour Association (DPOCA), Nadia has worked tirelessly to promote anti-racism and global awareness among students. The Association has hosted anti-racism workshops for students and staff, ran a series of information campaigns about global issues in Africa and the Middle East, and campaigned for policies that better cater to minority students. The Association has also organised a variety of cultural events promoting global and local achievements of students of colour, including a campaign celebrating former black Durham students and an art exhibition promoting women of colour. Nadia also played a pivotal role in organising DPOCAs annual ball, an affordable event that allows students to celebrate their cultures.

Alumni Global Impact Award - Sahil Kumar

Tristan Alltimes receiving the Alumni Global Award on behalf of Sahil Kumar

Tristan Alltimes receiving the Alumni Global Impact Award on behalf of winner Sahil Kumar, who could not be present.

Sahil is the leader of the Delhi Alumni Chapter in India, which now has over 360 members.  When the pandemic restrictions were lifted in 2022, the network had no active volunteers or chapter. Sahil was recruited as a volunteer at the first alumni event in India since 2019, an event which only one other alumnus attended. Under Sahil's leadership, the chapter has gone from strength to strength. He has organised several well attended events; launched an active WhatsApp group for the chapter; and acts as an MBA Mentor for Ïã¸ÛÍõÖÐÍõ Business School. He is also writing about his experience as a Durham MBA student, thus increasing the university's visibility in India.

Global SDG Award - Durham's Global Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases Team

The Global Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases team receiving the Global SDG Award.

The winner is the Durham team from the Global Challenge Research Fund Global Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases. As the Principal Investigator, Professor Paul Denny and his team brought together over 500 researchers from 13 global institutes to focus on leishmaniasis and Chagas disease. Led by the Durham Team, this Network has developed equitable research collaborations and increased research capacity in endemic countries across Asia and South America through capacity-building workshops, leading to important drug discovery advances. Since Spring 2023, the project has received funding from UK Research and Innovation, GSK and overseas agencies, placing the Durham Team at the heart of a package of work, which will ultimately change the lives of millions.