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Digital twin of Durham Cathedral

As a responsible university, we’re doing our bit to achieve environmental sustainability – through our environmental research, addressing our own carbon footprint and through working with partners, locally and globally.

Recently, we welcomed representatives from the UK’s independent Climate Change Committee (CCC) to Durham, as part of a tour of the UK. The Committee is looking to understand the key challenges and opportunities to inform its advice to government on how to reduce carbon emissions and achieve the UK’s target of Net Zero emissions by 2050.

Helping the Church of England achieve their green targets

Committee members visited Durham Cathedral to hear how our researchers are working with the Church of England to help decarbonise their heating, and meet their aim of achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions for their operations by 2030.

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Working towards net zero

Lord Deben, chairman of the CCC, said: "It is great to be in County Durham as we seek to learn more about delivering a fair net zero for the UK across regions, local authorities and in communities. To reach net zero, the work of Durham County Council alongside the actions of local people and businesses is key.

"What we hear from these conversations will help to inform our advice to the UK Government, due to be published in June."

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