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Our Careers & Enterprise Centre are continuing the programme of themed Careers Weeks this term, focusing on a range of key graduate recruitment industries and areas of interest to students. From Monday 23 - Friday 27 January, this will include a week long series of talks, led by UK film and television industry professionals. The workshops have been curated by the BFI and will be practically focused to give all students the opportunity to explore careers opportunities within the industry.

The events in the Michaelmas term were a resounding success, with almost 4,000 students attending the various in-person events held.

Careers Weeks in Epiphany term

This term, the Careers & Enterprise Centre team has planned more Careers Weeks, this time focusing on non-traditional, but no less popular career areas. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to explore careers in Film & TV, Charities, Sustainability and Small to Medium-sized Enterprise (SMEs).

As well as being able to attend a variety of events during each Careers Week, students will once again have access to accompanying online resources, such as career pathway stories, industry insights, information on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in the sectors, blogs and more. 

BFI Partnership
The Durham BFI (British Film Industry) Partnership was launched in 2021. It is a creative collaboration, giving students the unique opportunity to learn from industry experts and gain access to landmark independent films on the BFI Player streaming service.

Programme of Events: Epiphany term

Public Sector Careers 16 - 20 January
Film & Television Careers 23 - 27 January
Sustainability Careers 30 January - 3 February
'Think Big, Choose Small' SME Careers 13 - 17 February
Charities & Third Sector Careers 27 February - 3 March

Events are open to students from all year groups and departments.


81% of students indicated they felt that their Careers Week attendance had a positive impact on their career planning.

“The event was very insightful with a wide range of law firms at hand to ask questions about next steps. As a 1st year law student it has really made me think about the types of firms I would like to apply to and I can only hope a similar event is put on in the next academic year. Thank you”

“I really enjoyed having a real-world example of what a career in AI research would look like, it was very helpful in improving my understanding of the career path.”

“Found it really useful to get tips on applying for graduate roles.”

“A really excellent, useful and insightful experience. I’d recommend it to anyone interested in a professional career, whether legal or not.”

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