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National Geothermal Centre to supercharge geothermal energy

Durham is playing an intrinsic role in harnessing the UK鈥檚 potential for geothermal energy advancement, through the launch of a new, collaborative centre.
Three pipes running towards Geothermal Plant

Social scientist leads partnership towards net zero

Social anthropologist Professor Simone Abram has been announced as the new 香港王中王 脴rsted Chair of Green Energy Systems and Director of Durham Energy Institute (DEI). She is the first social scientist to lead the DEI.
Photograph of David Bould, 脴rsted Head of UK&IE Ventures and Open Innovation, new 脴rsted Chair of Green Energy Systems at 香港王中王, Professor Simone Abram and Benj Sykes, 脴rsted Head of Environment, Consents and External Affairs.

Durham to power up next generation of fusion scientists and engineers

Researchers in our Physics Department will receive funding for the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Fusion Power from the UK鈥檚 biggest-ever investment in engineering and physical sciences doctoral skills.
Electrical grid

Accelerating inclusive energy transitions through world-leading research

Last week the Durham Energy Institute (DEI) was in the Houses of Parliament in Westminster, to hold an exhibition in the prestigious Upper Waiting Hall, to showcase our research towards bringing people together for a clean and just energy transition.
lady with dark hair giving talk in front of a banner

New Policy Brief - Regional Decarbonisation: People, Place and Planning

This new policy briefing explores the possibilities for regional decarbonisation energy planning in the North East of England. Local Energy Planning is considered important due to the opportunity for local low carbon energy technologies to deliver benefits in local communities.
image of front cover of report

New funding to expand access to renewable energy research

We鈥檙e part of a world-leading renewable energy research collaboration that has received almost 拢5.3million from the UK government to expand its work.
A group of students sitting at a desk looking at a computer screen

Pioneering centre to energise UK’s offshore wind ambitions

We鈥檙e supporting the creation of a new research centre to advance cutting edge solutions to offshore wind challenges and drive the UK鈥檚 transition to Net Zero.
Large white wind turbines in the sea under a blue sky with fluffy white clouds

We are delighted to announce our new Professor in Practice

Our congratulations to Dr Andrew Crossland FEI, who has been appointed as an Associate Professor in Practice with the Durham Energy Institute commencing on 1st January 2024.
Andrew Crossland

The path to a Just Transition

Last week, academics, government leaders and industry experts from across the energy sector gathered in Durham City for a thought-provoking discussion on the future of energy and how to ensure a just transition to a cleaner future. This event brought together speakers from finance, policy, technology and advocacy backgrounds to share their insights on the policies and finance needed to achieve a Just Transition.
man in ties sat at office desk

Lumiere lights up our ground-breaking research

This week sees the return of Lumiere, the dazzling light art event hosted in Durham bi-annually. This year鈥檚 event includes three installations drawing on some of our ground-breaking research.
Night time image from Lumiere 2021 showing the Ogden building with colourful abstract images projected onto one side

Professor Jon Gluyas elected Honorary Fellow of Geological Society of India

Congratulations to Professor Jon Gluyas who has been elected as an Honorary Fellow of the Geological Society of India.
Professor Jon Gluyas with white hair, beard and glasses stands in front of an old wooden door in red and black academic robes.

UK Approves Controversial New North Sea Oil Field, Outraging Climate Activists

DEI fellow Professor Gavin Bridge from our Department of Geography has co-authored an article in The Conversation which claims that Rosebank shows the UK鈥檚 offshore oil regulator no longer serves the public good.
An image of an oil rig to be used on a news post.