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Study With Us

DELI organises a wide range of events and activities for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Student involvement

We are incredibly proud to be one of the very few research institutes in the UK to offer research-led events for undergraduate and graduate students. Each year, DELI recruits students from all years to join DELI as 'student representatives' - a group of self-driven individuals who are responsible for promoting the activities of DELI and for organising initiatives and events on behalf of the institute. These include dissertation workshops for finalists, an Annual Debate for first- and second-year students, social events, and career workshops. Our student representatives also manage the DELI Law Blog, a student-run blog that posts updates on DELI and news related to EU law.

The incredible drive and creativity of our student representatives established a vibrant community within Durham Law School. We remain committed to expanding and improving the involvement of LLB, LLM and ERASMUS students in the Institute.

  • Our Research

    The research of DELI members spans a wide variety of European law topics.
    A map of Europe
  • The DELI Blog is a student-run blog established in 2020, which posts updates of DELI activities and news related to EU Law.
    DELI student representatives in a lecture theatre

Our Research

The research of DELI members spans a wide variety of European law topics.
A map of Europe

The DELI Blog is a student-run blog established in 2020, which posts updates of DELI activities and news related to EU Law.
DELI student representatives in a lecture theatre

Events for students

PGR conversations

The DELI PGR Conversations offer an opportunity for the Postgraduate Research Student members of DELI to present to an interested group of fellow students on a topic related directly or indirectly to their research, to discuss this research in a friendly and supportive environment, to receive peer feedback on their work, and (hopefully) to enlighten all present about their chosen topic area.

LLB annual debate

The Annual Debate was first introduced as part of the Institute's seminar series on the relationship between the UK and the EU held in 2015. This annual event offers an opportunity to undergraduate students to research and debate different aspects of Brexit.

LLB/LLM dissertation workshops

These workshops are targeted at LLM and third-year LLB students, who are conducting research in an area of EU law as part of their dissertation. They aim to offer an opportunity for these students to share their research with their colleagues and other DELI members in a supportive environment, where they can also receive constructive feedback from the audience.

LLB/LLM dissertation conferences

These conferences, which will be held in Epiphany and Easter term, offer LLM and LLB students, who are completing their dissertation the opportunity to present their findings to a larger audience of colleagues and academic staff. The LLB and LLM conferences are at the focus of the Institute's Student Involvement Initiative and aim to promote high-quality research in EU law.